Sunday morning and breakfast outside, what could be better. Following our checking out we were able to leave our cases at the hotel for the day, as we were being picked up late afternoon to be taken to the boat.
Its only a short train ride from here to town and coats 1 euro 60 each. Access to the platform is via a tunnel with steps coming up on to the platform. The don’t have graffiti in their tunnels they have murals like this.
Its only a short train ride from here to town and coats 1 euro 60 each. Access to the platform is via a tunnel with steps coming up on to the platform. The don’t have graffiti in their tunnels they have murals like this.
From Honda monkey bikes to Norton Dominators
The tram lines run up a dead straight car free road and the road is made of polished stone slabs. There is no overhead pickup the cars are powered by a clever third rail APS system. this rail is in very short sections and only the sections under the tram cars are live.
We visited the old town where there are the remains of a very large church called The Collegiate Church of Saint Martin. This church use to cover quite a large area at one time as can be seen from the plan below.
At this point Déjà vu strikes. The boat is not where it should be, but about 20 Km upstream above Civray due to low water levels below the lock, so our mini bus ride was a bit longer than planned and our cruise shorter.
The black section is the actual cruise and the red is what we missed out
We got our first view of Nymphea moored on the lock moorings just above the lock. the lock itself was full of canoes.
To see what happened on day Three click HERE
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